My latest
Climate Listening Project effort is a motion graphics series in collaboration with
Klein Digital, sharing inspiring quotes from speakers before Asheville's big ClimateCon 2018 event at The Collider.
I'll be filming and listening at the conference and I'm excited to speak at the ClimateCon 2018 Summit for Emerging Climate Leaders on March 19. When business, government, and climate thought leaders convene in Asheville for
ClimateCon 2018, North Carolina’s first conference on the business of climate, they’ll explore business challenges and opportunities posed by the world’s changing climate. They’ll hear from experts from across the country, around the world, and down the street. They’ll learn about innovative data-driven climate solutions.
And when they’re not doing all that, conference organizers with
The Collider hope they’ll discover something more: the vibrancy of eclectic Asheville – also known as Climate City – as area galleries, breweries, restaurants, attractions, and other businesses and organizations offer an independently organized array of climate- and sustainability-themed events and activities. Dubbed the
Climate City Experience and taking place March 16–25 – also proclaimed Asheville Climate Week by Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer – the initiative also provides local citizens the opportunity to participate in ClimateCon, even if they aren’t among the estimated 200 attendees of the conference’s
Business of Climate Forum or
Summit for Emerging Climate Leaders. Hope to see you there!
The Climate City Experience includes the following independently organized events, activities, and offerings, with more expected to sign on in the coming days:
Friday, March 16
Saturday, March 17
- WORKSHOPS, LECTURES & DISCUSSIONS: “Science in Creative Writing” presented by Art + Science in the Field at Toe River Arts Council.
- OUTDOORS: Diamond Brand Outdoors Blood Drive.
- Continued events/offerings: Asheville Gallery of Art, Asheville Goods, Asheville Museum of Science, Highland Brewing, Lobster Trap, Pink Dog Creative, Salvage Station, Ultimate Ice Cream.
Sunday, March 18
- Continued events/offerings: Asheville Gallery of Art, Asheville Goods, Asheville Museum of Science, Highland Brewing, Lobster Trap, Salvage Station, Ultimate Ice Cream.
Monday, March 19
Tuesday, March 20
- CLIMATECON SPECIAL EVENT: “A Celebration of Climate Action & Innovation,” At 5:30 p.m., a ticketed event at Highland Brewing will give the public the chance to meet the speakers and business executives attending ClimateCon’s Business of Climate Forum. The event will include a presentation by writer and activist Auden Schendler, identified by the EPA as a "climate saver" and Time magazine as a "global warming innovator." Tickets are available at
- WORKSHOPS, LECTURES & DISCUSSIONS: “Innovation in Climate Resilience: Ideas, Strategies, Examples,” Lenoir- Rhyne University Asheville, “National Weather Service & High Impact Forecasting,” presented at UNC Asheville; “Sustainability at Sierra Nevada Brewing Co,” presented at Transylvania Co. Library.
- Continued events/offerings: Asheville Gallery of Art, Asheville Goods, Asheville Museum of Science, Highland Brewing, Lobster Trap, Pink Dog Creative, Ultimate Ice Cream.
Wednesday, March 21
- WORKSHOPS, LECTURES & DISCUSSIONS: 1 Million Cups, featuring ClimateCon keynote speaker; Momentum Summit kickoff.
- Continued events/offerings: Asheville Gallery of Art, Asheville Goods, Asheville Museum of Science, Highland Brewing, Lobster Trap, Pink Dog Creative, Salvage Station, Ultimate Ice Cream.
Thursday, March 22
- ART: Exhibit and opening reception for STORMS at Posana’s Adler Gallery.
- SPECIAL EVENT: Launch of Blue Horizons clean energy project.
- Continued events/offerings: Asheville Gallery of Art, Asheville Goods, Asheville Museum of Science, Highland Brewing, Lobster Trap, Momentum Summit, Pink Dog Creative, Salvage Station, Ultimate Ice Cream.
Friday, March 23
- WORKSHOPS, LECTURES & DISCUSSIONS: Presentation by NASA DEVELOP students in the applied science program, held at The Collider; Communicating Climate ChangeScience Pub hosted by Asheville Museum of Science at The Collider.
- Continued events/offerings: Asheville Gallery of Art, Asheville Goods, Asheville Museum of Science, Highland Brewing, Lobster Trap, Momentum Summit, Pink Dog Creative, Posana’s Adler Gallery, Salvage Station, Ultimate Ice Cream.
Saturday, March 24
- OUTDOORS: Get In Gear Fest at Salvage Station; Spring Greenfest at UNC Asheville.
- WORKSHOPS, LECTURES & DISCUSSIONS: 'Art Of The Climate' Writer presented by Art + Science in the Field at Toe River Arts Council; Citizens' Climate Lobby Southeast Conference.
- Continued events/offerings: Asheville Gallery of Art, Asheville Goods, Asheville Museum of Science, Highland Brewing, Lobster Trap, Momentum Summit, Pink Dog Creative, Posana’s Adler Gallery, Salvage Station, Ultimate Ice Cream.
Sunday, March 25
- Continued events/offerings: Asheville Gallery of Art, Asheville Goods, Asheville Museum of Science, Citizens' Climate Lobby Conference, Highland Brewing, Lobster Trap, Posana’s Adler Gallery, Salvage Station, Spring Greenfest, Ultimate Ice Cream.
For a calendar of Climate City Experience offerings, visit For general information about ClimateCon 2018, visit Follow The Collider on Facebook (@TheCollider.Asheville) and on Twitter, and Instagram (@TheCollider.AVL) using hashtags #TheColliderAVL and #ClimateCityAVL for more updates.
I'm also excited to announce that my Climate Listening Project documentary webseries with Moms Clean Air Force, "The Story We Want", has been honored as an official selection for the Los Angeles Women's International Film Festival and the Asheville Cat Fly Indie Film Fest! Plus, we're partnering with Asheville Wordfest for a special listening project and discussion.
March 24, Los Angeles Women’s International Film Festival
Official Selection: “The Story We Want”
April 8, Cat Fly Indie Film Festival
Official Selection: “The Story We Want”
Learn more:
April 15, Asheville Wordfest
Earth, People, and Words: Science Soul and Art in Conversation
Climate Listening Project discussion with Dayna Reggero April 15
Learn more:

The Climate Listening Project will be hosting a discussion at Wordfest and we are working together to share the impacts of industry on poetry and storytelling. Not only has the industrial revolution caused the accelerated climate impacts we are seeing today, but it also created a culture of not being able to appreciate nature or the environment - and not appreciate poetry about it - because romanticizing our natural world does not fit in with extracting from it and destroying it. We believe in the power of telling our stories and truth through art. Wordfest provides the opportunity to further conversation among our scientists, poets, and storytellers. The event is full of workshops, presentations, and performances aimed at inspiring interdisciplinary thought and discussion.
Learn more about this partnership by listening to my new Climate Listening Project + Speaking of Travel Podcast series via the iHeartRadio app and This episode, joining me and host Marilyn Ball in the studio is Laura Hope-Gill, director of the Thomas Wolfe Center for Narrative at
Lenoir-Rhyne University Asheville. Laura shares details about her recent travels to Scotland that inspired
Asheville Wordfest: Earth, People, and Words: Science, Soul, and Art in Conversation.
Hope to see you at an upcoming event! Watch Climate Listening Project films and videos and stay connected via Facebook @Climate Listening Project.