The other night I did something that I rarely do...I went out after nine. Go ahead and make fun of me all you hipsters, but I am old, I could break a hip! The reason for my rare behavior was that
Lucinda Williams was playing at
the Orange Peel. The last show I saw there was smashing pumpkins and my ears are still ringing...I have had the pleasure of seeing Lucinda a few times...what a Rock Goddess...

Now I have a lot of friends who go and see live music on a weekly basis...while I am all for that, as I have said I am old, but the truth is: I like to savor music the way I would an incredible meal or a good scotch. To me the best things in life are the things you have to work makes you appreciate the moment, know what I mean? In this particular case it's Lucinda...I had discovered her music years ago with her album "Car Wheels on a Gravel Road." Talk about gravel...she sounds like she has gargled with it but that is her essence, her soul...a voice that you know has been somewhere in life...walked down a few hard roads...she is someone I am convinced I would like to sit on a porch with and drink a few cold ones. I bet she has some stories.
This is the view from where I am standing. It is a beautiful moment, a beautiful show...I am looking around at the many different walks of life, so many people in the same room...all there for the same reason. We are a community all nourishing our souls, getting a little relief from all the crap going on in our best friend Monica leans in and says; "ya know, Lucinda can either take ya to heaven or take ya to hell"...I couldn't have said it better...either way, I look forward to the trip.