The POP Project is excited to be partnering with
ZaPow!, the southeast’s premier illustration art gallery, for this year’s Banned Books Week event.
When: Friday, September 26, 5:30-8:00 pm
Where: ZaPow! Studio and Art Gallery, 21 Battery Park, Suite 101, Asheville, NC 28801
What: A celebration of freedom in reading with art, interactive photo booth, and snacks and drinks.
Banned Books Week 2014 highlights the literary merit and issues surrounding controversial comic books and graphic novels. Join us at ZaPow! for:
Discussions about your favorite challenged graphic novels and comic books
An interactive photo booth with costumes to capture the fun
Local and regional illustrative art
Free wine and light snacks
Donations welcome for the photo booth.
About Banned Books Week:
Every year, hundreds of works from authors ranging from Dr. Seuss to Ernest Hemingway are challenged or banned from schools and libraries around the nation. Banned Books Week is an annual September event that celebrates the freedom to read. Many challenges are made with valiant intentions, such as to protect children and the community from difficult ideas. The purpose of Banned Books Week is to promote education over censorship, as well as the benefits of intellectual freedom and access to information.
Books, graphic novels, and comics featured during the Banned Books Week have been challenged in communities around the country by parents, schools, community boards, and other organizations. Thanks to the efforts of booksellers, librarians, teachers, and community members, many book challenges have failed and the books have remained in circulation.
More information about Banned Books Week:
More information about ZaPow!: