20 Things Every 20-Something Should Know


20 Things Every 20-Something Should Know

  1. Meineke on Patton Avenue has $25 oil changes.
  2. Trader Joes peanut butter will get you through anything. Seriously, just straight out of the jar.
  3. Do what makes you happy. Unless, that’s being mean to people, in which case you’re an asshole, so knock it off.
  4. Bens Tune Up cures any bad day. And they have their own parking lot which means less walking, more drinking.
  5. If you have a college degree don’t rub it in those who don’t.
  6. If you want nice clothes, but can’t really afford them, shop at the Goodwill’s in the wealthier parts of town.
  7. If you want to make new friends, get a dog.
  8. Your laundry is one thing that will never get done.
  9. Own at least one pair of great jeans.
  10. Owning a $200 backpack will not make you a better hiker, less beer will.
  11. Kale is slightly overrated, unless you fry it and add some garlic powder, then it’s worthy of all its glory. And I mean all its glory.
  12. Waking Life Coffee in West Asheville is worth the drive.
  13. West Asheville is worth the drive.
  14. Brew and View is still the best place to see a movie. Its $3 and you can order a pizza with bacon and nacho cheese at one in the afternoon and the waitress won’t judge you, even if you’re at the Frozen Sing-A-Long instead of your finance class. (Not that I ever skipped class in college to see a musical about an ice princess with perfect hair.)
  15. When your parents come to town, take them to brunch. You appear more grown up, but it’s cheaper and you avoid the crazy people roaming the streets, the dinner crowd tends to endure.
  16. If you don’t know how to parallel park, practice somewhere else besides Merrimon Avenue during rush hour. Seriously, that shit drives me crazy.
  17. Tourists drive me crazy too, but I promise you, they’re what’s keeping our economy alive.
  18. Tip your servers and bartenders. Well.
  19. Tip musicians.
  20. Take advantage of this incredible city as much as you can. All its quirks and all its beauty.