Hendrick's Delightfully Peculiar Cocktail Academy is a way for consumers and cocktail enthusiasts alike to learn more about Hendrick's Gin, its "peculiar past" and how it's a gin "made oddly".
Attendees will learn how to make approachable yet unusual Hendrick's gin cocktails that they can easily recreate at home. Yum!
This event features two sessions of the same class – one at 3pm and another at 5pm. They are both open to both the general public and service industry people with an emphasis on the special creation and unusual traits of Hendrick’s Gin. There are only 20 spots available per class and it is expected to be very popular. Interested folks must RSVP and space is limited to a first-come, first-serve basis, so reserve your spot and arrive early.
A brand ambassador from Hendrick’s Gin will be in attendance and available for questions.
Happy Cocktail Makin'!
Hendrick's Delightfully Peculiar Cocktail Academy on Wednesday, August 5th @
Top of the Monk / 92 Patton Avenue / (828) 254 5470
3pm and 5pm classes >